Osteopathy Treatment
Symptoms, Therapeutic Techniques & Other info

What is Osteopathy all about?
Osteopathic manual treatment consists of a wide range of gentle therapeutic techniques:
Myofascial Release
(For connective tissues) -
CranioSacral Therapy
(Manipulation of skull bones,
spine and the membranes within) -
Visceral (organ) Manipulations
Bone Manipulations
Patients are treated wearing shorts or light stretchy clothing.
The basis of therapy is an individualized approach to each patient taking into consideration all elements of their health and lifestyle to create an optimal treatment plan and or refer to medical care when necessary. Often non-structural elements such as physical or emotional traumas, repetitive patterns, surgeries, childbirth, illnesses, and other stressors all contribute to the state of the patient and need to be considered as well.
Osteopathic Manual Practitioners learn to feel not just supercially, but deep within the structures of the body to detect minute modications in the quality of the tissue, be it congested, dehydrated, scarred, sti, dense or normal. This quality in combination with position, mobility and vitality analysis allows the practitioner to determine the areas needing immediate attention.
There is initially an extensive history taken to determine what events might have contributed to the symptom or the state of the patient. Next, a physical assessment, as described above. Lastly, a methodical treatment plan is developed, working toward optimal system function instead of symptom chasing, thus allowing the body to regulate toward health between treatments, which are generally 1-2 weeks apart.
Eduction, exercise, nutritional information, and other recommendations may also be given to help increase the efectiveness of treatment and overall health. initial treatments are 80 mins. Follow-ups are 50 mins.

Osteopathy may improve some of the following conditions:
Neck or back pain
Headache or migraines
Joint pain (shoulder, knee, etc)
Chronic pain (fibromyalgia)
Digestive complaints
(IBS, heartburn, constipations, ect) -
Pregnancy, childbirt, post-partum
Stress disorders
Respiratory conditions
(pneumonia, asthma, sinusitus) -
Attention disorders
Infant colic, plalophaly, behavioral issues

Sports injuries
Post surgical symptoms
Gynecological symptoms